What We Feel and What We Mean
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Michael’s Video

This is my video


1 Joseph Ugoretz { 09.05.11 at 3:53 pm }

I definitely want to pick up more on your comment about music as your “soma.” Let’s push that comparison–art to drugs. Of course there are differences, but it will be interesting to pull out the ways that the two different “mind-altering” experiences work.

2 richiemiz { 09.08.11 at 4:03 pm }

Thats awesome that you can play multiple instruments. I’m sure it definitely helps in the song making process to know how to execute most of the ideas in your head. That is one of the reasons I wanted to expand on my musical ability from being able to play the drums to guitar also and I am in the process of doing so.
I also agree with your comment on how literature helps you reflect or see yourself through the words of the author. Some of my favorite books are ones you can relate to.

3 maryamesperanza { 09.08.11 at 7:16 pm }

Michael, I must say that I could not help but smile all throughout your video. I think that it is extremely lovely and courageous of you to come all the way here to Brooklyn from Puerto Rico to study for college. That takes a lot of guts.
I also could not stop smiling because of the way you defined and described art. I love that you said literature let you do “what you wanted to do in a context that you could articulate.” Literature makes you feel invincible and infinite, and I can extremely relate. When I read (my favorite author being Jane Austen), I cannot help but feel as if I am also in the story and playing out the life of the heroine or hero. I also extremely enjoyed your reference to music as a “drug” of sorts. I feel like all of us can agree to that statement because music moves all of us in ways that we can hardly fathom.
All in all, I extremely enjoyed your video and your perception about the world and art.

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