What We Feel and What We Mean
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911 Memorial

While we we waiting to go into the memorial, I took in all the construction work going around me. It was exciting to see another skyscraper go up, though sometimes I wonder whether it is a good decision. Then we were suddenly let into what I thought at first was JFK airport. I couldn’t help but feel sad as I put my bag through the scanner and went through a metal detector. These safety precautions should definitely be taken buts it is depressing that we must come to these measures. My spirits were soon lifted when we came upon the actual memorial. The waterfalls were beautiful and I liked that they were symbolically placed in locations of the twin towers. I respected that they put the names of all the victims of this tragedy. Some had unique objects attached, one of which was a flower. It gave a unique touch to each name just like the people were. However, as I thought more about, the idea of the water falling down just as the twin towers fell down was kind of grim. I was wondering whether they should have taken more of an optimistic approach but there is no right or wrong answer. How that day should be remembered and honored changed from person to person.

I kept having flashbacks to the  Sep 11, 2001, just ten years ago. I was eight years old and I did not understand anything at the time. All I remember is going home early with the other kids. Everyone seemed panicked and I saw puffs of smoke filling the air. When I asked my parents what happened, they tried to explain it as best as they could but it took a little growing to fully take in what happened. Now that I look back on that day, I see how far we’ve come and the long road ahead of us.


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