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Public Art

Hey Guys!

The public art that I captured is the Verrazano Bridge. I made this choice because I remembered how majestic it looked as we were passing underneath it while on vacation this past January (I took the video on a cruise ship, while both leaving and entering back into New York, hence the daybreak (leaving), and the dawn (returning) videos).

There is, however, another reason for my choice. I looked at the bridge, and it didn’t just resemble a bridge to me. It looked more like a symbol, something that wasn’t just useful, but beautiful. It had more than just a functional use; it had a sentimental value as well.

To me, the Verrazano Bridge represents what New York represents. New York may be diverse, but they are all united, for better or for worse. This theme is corroborated by the 9/11 attacks. We got hurt badly, not only physically, but mentally. Because we are all united, we act as one individual, and it is that which makes the bridge so amazing. It represents the unity between the separate boroughs, which consist of slightly different cultures. But they all care for each other because they are connected; they are connected by the bridges that surround them.

What do you think about it?

Joey Kabariti

UPDATE: Sorry about the videos. I had uploaded them with the post, but it didn’t post them. They were the reason I took so long to post.


1 markmarkov { 10.08.11 at 4:24 am }

I heard, though I never received concrete proof, that the Verrazano was built at a steep angle on purpose because Robert Moses (the city bureaucrat running construction at the time) hated public transport (trains) because poor people used it. Because of the steep elevation, running a train through it is said to be actually impossible. Also look up the way the bridge was named. In many ways the bridge represented separation and not unity when it was built. On the other hand, I have to agree that it does look fantastic.

2 Joseph Ugoretz { 10.08.11 at 9:35 pm }

I heard that the steep angle was because it is so long that it has to be curved to match the curvature of the Earth. But on consideration, that really can’t be true, can it? (but can you post the video? It would be great to see it! Jenny can help, if you need help posting).

3 Joseph Kabariti { 10.09.11 at 2:12 am }

I didn’t hear that, but it’s good to know. Sounds very interesting.

It still doesn’t change the way I view bridges. They are such amazing works of art that it doesn’t matter to me how they came about, as long as they are there for the world to see.

Joey Kabariti

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