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NY Look/October 11 Image


These pictures were taken on October 11 so I guess this fits snapshot day.

As for New York, I do not think that they came out that well but I tried to show the general incongruity of the city. Here in the foreground is the Neogothic Trinity Church and on the background are skyscrapers. A century ago the church towered over the horizon and was a landmark. Now it stands in the shadows. New York really does not have tradition in my opinion, except that everything goes. I feel that this is quite unfortunate. It is like building a skyscraper over the Taj Mahal.

1 comment

1 Emibee Wong <3 { 10.18.11 at 4:37 am }

Hey Mark, I don’t see any pictures in your post, so you may want to check up on that.
But since you said what you photographed that day, are you still grateful and glad that the Neogothic Trinity Church is still there despite all of its surrounding changes of the modern world? Is there anything you think should be done with the existence of the skyscrapers? I mean, after all, NYC is constantly expanding and modernizing, almost as if that is what NYC was meant to be like. Do you think the Neogothic Trinity Church will eventually be taken down one day just so NYC can advance?

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