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Category — Visual Art

Chalk Art- Julian Beever

Hey Guys!

My friend showed me a picture of this once, and I was amazed by it. I couldn’t take my eyes off all the realistic features. Notice how the guy on the left actually avoids the picture. He thinks it’s actually there. It takes a while for me to even realize that it is completely fake.

There are tons of these. I only uploaded my favorite one.

More pics can be seen at http://www.julianbeever.net/pave.htm.


Joey Kabariti

September 18, 2011   4 Comments

The Verrazano Narrows Bridge

The tolls on the Verrazano Bridge are about as much as admission to an art museum, so why not enjoy it like we all would a masterpiece in a museum? The bridge itself is beautiful; by day it’s tall grey towers seem to touch the sky and at night, lit up, it’s like a glimmering diamond necklace. But it also offers (if the weather is agreeable) some of the most breathtaking panoramic vistas of New York–skyscrapers, Statue of Liberty, and all.

Have a look at these pictures, and if you like–for a hefty fee–you can drive over the bridge yourself.


September 16, 2011   1 Comment

Montage of Mountains

The following is a montage of mountains (as the title suggests). I took these pictures in Israel last year.

The Mountains Circling The City of Safed in Northern Israel
The Mountains in the Galilee, near Tiberias
The Golan Heights, also Northern Israel
Also the Golan Heights
The Sinai Desert
The Banias
The Mountain Range at the edge of the Northern Settlement of Mitzpeh Rimon

 I know I was supposed to find a thing I consider beautiful, but I feel one cannot fully appreciate the majesty of the mountain without seeing it in context. Since the captured digital image is hardly the proper context, I figure showing the pictures as a unit better conveys a sense of the largess of the natural world and the breathtaking beauty of a mountain. My personal favorite is the Sinai mountains. It is dusty and quiet- so quiet. Being there gave new meaning to Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence. Sitting on a the mountaintops of the Sinai desert, I discovered that silence really does have a sound.

September 16, 2011   No Comments

the White Stag

“Beauty is an elusive creature, like the mythical white stage chased by kings and hunters.  Vainly they chase it, through every obstacle, and just when it’s within reach, just as the tips of their fingers for an instant brush against its velvet coat, it laughs and disappears.  As hunters, we are only left with a cruel memory of what we almost possessed, of its soft fur touching our skin, and we hunger to chase it again.  The result will always be the same, yet we cannot stop the chase.”


I think this quote gives a good analogy of the endless human search for beauty.  Every one of us has a white stag we chase after, in an attempt to capture it. My own white stag is the painting I’ve posted by James C. Christensen.  All of his artwork is beautiful, but this woman is the epitome of angelic good-looks.  How futilely I apply make-up, and do my hair, in an attempt to capture the ethereal beauty that dazzles the viewer of this painting!  Oh the disappointment of being thwarted! I’ve never seen any one in this reality whose beauty matches her own.

Curse you, Pretty Picture!

September 15, 2011   No Comments