Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Category — Introductions

September 10, 2012   No Comments

Photobooth Profile

Fun Fact: I was viciously attacked by a moth shortly before filming.

September 6, 2012   4 Comments

Photobooth Profile

September 6, 2012   4 Comments

Art Intro

September 5, 2012   3 Comments

Art by Sauly

September 5, 2012   3 Comments

PhotoBooth Profile


September 5, 2012   1 Comment

Photobooth Profile

September 5, 2012   3 Comments

Daniel Bibawy- What Art Means to Me

September 4, 2012   3 Comments

Bad lighting, piano, and nature…

September 4, 2012   2 Comments

Jake Levin- What is Art?

September 4, 2012   2 Comments