Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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MHC Night at the Museum

I’ve never been such an art-museum type of person- I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever been to an art museum, or if there even was a first time. When I first heard about the Macaulay Night at the Museum, I was excited to go to meet new people. The art, I thought, wasn’t going to be the highlight of my night; it’s just an excuse for us to get together in a posh setting. That’s what art museums are for, right?  I didn’t know anything about analyzing art! Were we supposed to guess what the artist intended and pretend that we understand the message he or she was trying to convey? Isn’t the Mona Lisa just a testament to Da Vinci’s skills, nothing more?

Maybe that’s a bit dramatic. I guess I never actually appreciated art, nor did I ever really feel the need to. But discussing the art with my group really changed that. One person’s thought sparked the other’s, and I found myself seeing things in the works of art that I didn’t see before. I loved where my mind was going, almost too quick to voice all at once.

In the beginning, we all just wanted to say what we thought, saying really simplistic and sort of cliche interpretations of the work that was before us. But as we continued to walk through the museum, and as we learned to really listen to each other, the conversations became deeper, more stimulating, and definitely more intriguing. One of the last works that we discussed was called Cops and Headlights V, painted by Jane Dickson. When I first saw it, I didn’t really see much more than a bunch of cops and a bunch of headlights, but my peers started to pose questions and bring forth their ideas and thoughts, and there were so many unknowns! So many uncertainties I am still trying to figure out! What’s so significant about those cops and headlights? Just… WHY?!

Perfectly placed right in the middle of a very overwhelming first week of college, this event really helped me use my mind in a new way and meet new people who enjoy thinking and learning. I really enjoyed that!


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