Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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My Night at the Museum

I remember sitting in my air conditioned office on a hot July day, reading an email about the Macaulay Night at the Museum. What immediately came to my mind was the movie ‘Night at the Museum’, but with artwork coming to life rather than historical figures.

Having been to the Brooklyn Museum before for a school project, I was eager to explore more artwork that I had missed during my first visit. I immediately ran to the third floor, (not realizing that we were required to report to the third floor) to admire the monet paintings I saw last time I was at the museum. I was shocked to find over 500 Macaulay students sitting in the center of the floor, texting answers to questions posted on the bulletin board.

Discussing the artwork was the highlight of my night. At first I was a little bummed that we were walking around in groups to discuss the art; I wanted to appreciate and explore the artwork on my own. But I was wrong. Walking around the museum, meeting new people, and discussing  the artwork was literally the funnest experience I’ve had. I love art! I hate to draw and paint, but I love analyzing other people’s work of art. I literally didn’t give people in my group a chance to speak because I was so engrossed in the painting. I wanted everyone to know that I thought Monet did a fabulous job depicting the building’s reflection on the lake. After realizing that I was literally shouting and standing too close to the painting (the security guard made it her mission to let me know that I was doing this), I took a step back to listen to what my peers had to say. I was suprised that I enjoyed it much better when I actually listened to their opinions on the painting and was excited to share more of my opinions. I look forward to learning more about arts in NYC.


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