Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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The Memorials

Visiting both the 9/11 and Vietnam Memorial was an interesting experience.  Both Memorials were beautiful to look at and there was something a little otherworldly about being there.  Almost as if ( especially at the 9/11 memorial) people were all having the same thoughts, feelings, and were all understanding of where we were and how serious the atmosphere was.  What I liked most about the 9/11 memorial was the constant running water on the two different levels.  It sounded out the constant noise of the city around us and just gave us time; time not to think or analyze, but, to remember and feel.  On thursday we had a pretty long conversation about how we felt going to these memorials.  And as I was reflecting on my time there, I felt more and more uncomfortable talking about these places as art works.  For example, I saw people taking pictures and, yes, even selfies at the 911 memorial constantly.  Now snapping a quick picture for memory is understandable.  But some people were photographing the whole time trying to capture the beauty of the memorial.  However beautiful it may be, I feel like we forget why this beautiful piece of architecture was built, for remembrance.  There were not to many people at the Vietnam memorial but I’m sure it works just the same.  It’s an interesting idea, making memorials as a work of art… looking at them, as a work of art.

As for the Vietnam Memorial, I did enjoy my time there too.  It was harder for me to emotionally attach myself to this site than it was for the 9/11 memorial.  I guess it has something to do with me having some memory of what happened on 9/11.  Although I couldn’t empathize there was a sense of sympathy because mourning is a universal act, no matter how or where.  One thing I liked about the Vietnam memorial was the two door ways that i could go through to get to the other side.  Again, I think this had something to do with me not being around for why this memorial was put up; and a part of me felt that I was able to walk back to a time where I could understand how these people felt and be there for those who have lost their loved ones, as people did during 9/11.  Maybe a ice quote on the inside of the door ways would have given it that extra touch, regardless the writing on the walls was a good idea.

The memorial trip is one that everyone should make.  It does something to you, that I wish I can explain… No one I  know passed during 9/11 or even experienced it but I was almost brought to tears.  It is a place where people can connect and share their sorry with those who are there for the same reason.  Both these sites are probably the more powerful sites of NYC.


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