Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Opera Review of Carmen



When I went to the opera, I expected to enjoy the experience more than the actual opera. After I went to the opera, I found I enjoyed the actual opera more than the experience.

I was not expecting the opera to resemble a play or a show. The singers are also actors and there were actual sets. Not only was I surprised by the sets, but also I was also surprised that they moved and turned. The actual opera, the singing and acting, was my favorite part of the opera because I was not expecting much. I my mind, I picture singers on a stage, singing a play or performance. Similar to script reading, only the script is being sung.

However, I think I would have enjoyed the opera much more if I could see the singers/actors closer and if I could hear them better. I now know that they were singing without microphones and I know that it is amazing that their voices could fill the opera house like that, but I wanted to feel the music the way I did when Amanda Hick sang to the class. I know people probably say this all the time, but when Amanda sang to us, I literally got chills. I was also battling with looking at what was happening on the stage and reading the subtitles. I wish I understood French or that I had shut the subtitles off and just watched the opera.

I think I understood and I actually enjoyed the opera because I could follow the storyline. I understood that Carmen was meant to be this temptress and how she could ruin a character like Don Jose. She was very seductive and so willing to use her sexuality to get what she wants. She used it to wield this power and have men almost worship her. Don Jose gave up everything for her until he went mad. I also think I was expecting the opera to be so dramatic, similar to a Shakespearean tragic play.

Unfortunately, I was extremely uncomfortable while watching the opera. There wasn’t much room for my legs, not that I have long legs, but I get fidgety and I like to cross my legs. I did not have the room to do so. The velvet seats, although nice, were creating a wardrobe malfunction. Every time I would slide off or on the chair, the friction between the velvet and my jeans would pull my pants down. Not lying. And I just kept thinking about how uncomfortable I was the whole time. However, the velvet on the stairs and the giant chandelier were absolutely stunning. The chandelier looked like an explosion of beautifully shard glass.

I think I am ambivalent about my opera experience. I don’t want to say I liked it because there were things about it that I did not like and I don’t want to say I hated it because there were things I liked about it. I think if I ever get the chance to go again, I will definitely shut the subtitles off, pay attention to the seat choice, and wear a belt.


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