Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Food Talk at Symphony Space

The food talk for me was a mixed experience. Jewish culture is rather foreign to me, I have always though of it as a religion and never understood the cultural aspect of it. That being said the talk was really insightful and i learned a lot about the history of Jewish food. I was really surprised they mentioned bagels as a stereotypical Jewish food. I never realized the influence that Jewish culture has had on New York culture. My only qualm about the talk was the audience it was directed at. There were too many things that only Jewish people would understand and they didn’t take the time to explain for others that might not be. This was despite the fact that they even mentioned they wanted to attract non-Jewish listeners and consumers. The whole time I felt like I was missing some obvious joke. However, I am glad that i was able to learn more about Jewish culture which was something that has always been a mystery to me.




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