Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Jewish Food Talk

I didn’t really have much to say about this trip. We got there pretty early, so I went with Jeanette and bought new jeans haha. (fashion is art, right?) Then, we went in and I thought it would be interesting because I’m Jewish and all. I thought I would relate to it. But honestly, I was just as lost as any non-Jew was. They emphasized so much on one particular section of Judaism (Ashkenaz Jews) and that really bothered me. Like am I not part of the Jewish NYC culture? I got over it, but it did make the trip much less interesting. I was hearing names that I’ve never heard of and some that were vaguely familiar at best. But, it wasn’t so bad because I had the class with me and that’s always fun. The cinnamon rolls and mug at the end were pretty great, too.
That’s all about the food talk.
But, it did bring in the topic of food as art into class, which made Elizabeth’s great role in our skit.
Without it, one funny part of the skit would’ve been gone.
That’s always a plus.

Going to miss this class.


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