Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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My Museum Enlightenment

So the common event at the Brooklyn Museum was really fun. At first I wasn’t sure how it was going to work and if  would like it or not. I was probably leaning more towards the not liking it side since I had no idea how I am supposed to comment on a work (not piece) of art. Not only did we have to comment on the work of art but we were given the time limit of 5 minutes. Five minutes?! I thought that I wouldn’t have anything more than one sentence!

Little did I know that it was much easier than I thought it would be. When my group and I started off we were basically yelling on top of each other what we wanted to say. We kind of thought it was somewhat silly as well. That lasted only 1 and a half minutes. The next work of art we wanted to try to discuss the art for longer, making sure that we take turns speaking and listen to each other as we talk. What a great idea that was! Seriously though. Since we spoke one at a time it naturally came out to be longer. That’s good, right? Not only that, but since we listened to each other speak we were able to think of our own idea about the work of art based on what the person before us had just said. That kept us going on and on.

By the end we were really into it. We started just spontaneously commenting on random paintings, only noticing halfway through that we weren’t recording our conversation! It was just for fun and for our own enjoyment. I really liked this event. It helped me acquire a new technique for observing and analyzing art. It allowed me to appreciate each work of art more, even the ones that really don’t look like anything special to me.


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