Oh man oh man. If I told you I’ve liked opera forever, I would be lying. Honestly, I don’t think I was ever fan until recently. Growing up, I always thought of opera as that art form nobody took seriously. My earliest associations with it included loud singing, melodramatic acting, and the whole “shatter-glass-with-your-voice” bit. It’s true, as a kid opera is a bore—the ultimate form of punishment. But when you get older and start to appreciate its many facets, opera becomes something beautiful you want to understand.

Which brings me to Thursday. Getting to see Tosca was absolutely awesome. I have such love for interesting stories and the plotline of Tosca was just that. Sure, I predicted Mario’s end from the beginning, but I did not predict that ultimate plot twist. I also really loved how there were bits of history included, as there were a few mentions to a Napoleonic invasion.

As for the voices, each opera singer was spectacular. I still can’t believe they weren’t wearing microphones! Looking down at them from our seats and still being able to hear the power in their voices was incredible. Although I could only comprehend a few words (I guess opera’s like that) even after my 6 years of Italian, I could feel the emotion, passion, and agony.

All in all, I’m really glad to have been give the opportunity to have this experience. I hope to go see another opera in the near future—maybe La Boheme this time!