I knew something was different about this performance that we were going to once I saw that St. Ann’s Warehouse was so hidden and didn’t look that fancy for a venue. While walking down Water Street, Mark and I actually thought that 60 Water Street was St. Ann’s Warehouse because it looked particularly nice. Perhaps the gloominess of the day because of the rain made St. Ann’s Warehouse appear even more obscure.

Watching the play may have been the weirdest experience of my life. I did not expect the performance to be so casual and the seating was like the seating at a book signing event. Once I walked into the play’s performance area to take a seat, I knew that this would be an interesting experience, to say the least.

Overall, I found the performance entertaining and fun. The casualness of the play made the mood light and upbeat. I thought the toy props, especially the chairs in the beginning, were really funny. I do think that they tried a little too hard to make the play more relatable and modern though. Additionally, at times it was hard to understand what the actresses were saying, making the play difficult to follow. The acting and events unfolding on stage kept me engaged, but I was really confused for most of the performance. My favorite actress was the one who played Hotspur. She was really energetic and her acting was amazing. It was incredible how she was able to actually do all those push-ups and pull-ups while saying her lines.

I doubt I’ll ever see anything again as weird as that (in a good way), so yay for experience!