When we visited the 9/11 memorial, we were each given different tasks of what to focus on when viewing the memorial. I was given the task of trying to figure out the meaning/symbolism behind the memorial. Here is what I had to write:


The big pools represent the spots where the towers once stood. The names are written on the sides to preserve the memory of those who perished. The entire pool is very vast and empty, and includes a gaping hole in the center, illustrating the emptiness and void caused by 9/11. The lives killed, the memories lost. Also, the falling water is separated into individual streams, each falling independently of each other. This serves as a memory for each individual who lost their lives.

However, towering over the pool is the Freedom Tower, which serves as a beacon of hope and renewal. It almost seems like a guardian angel, “watching over” those who lost their lives, and vowing to protect them. To stand in their defense. To prevent their names from being tainted, and memories from being destroyed.
