In January 2018, Pfizer announced that it would end research efforts into drug discovery for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Besides what this might mean for the growing number of patients suffering from these diseases and, more broadly, funding for such research, Pfizer has laid off 300 employees as a result of this decision. For Pfizer, continued research did not seem lucrative; however, their decision could significantly impact researchers and scientists academically and professionally invested in neurodegenerative diseases. The National Research Council report emphasizes the shared responsibility across biomedical research to address the challenges facing budding and early career scientists. The report also highlights the role of the industry in facilitating innovation and training postdocs. When companies prioritize profit over innovation, they risk displacing the progress of the next generation of investigators and reducing the possibilities of non-academic career pathways. Should pharmaceutical companies, as major funders of research and development, be held accountable when they make such decisions?