Monthly Archives: February 2011

Response- 2/22

Like ToniAnn, I was horrified after reading about the circumstances of the Irish before they immigrated to America. I felt like each page was a scene from a horror movie brought to life. It is really scary to imagine that … Continue reading

Posted in February 22 Peopling of NY: Old and New Immigrants | Leave a comment

Response (2/22/11)

I think the contrast between the old immigrants and new immigrants bought up by William is a very interesting idea. In the 1800s, the immigrants were indeed “poor” and “…yearning to breathe free.” By reading Anbinder’s book, you can see … Continue reading

Posted in February 22 Peopling of NY: Old and New Immigrants | Leave a comment

Response #3 (for 2/22/11)

Oh ToniAnn, how you make me laugh with your outrage towards the Irish and their attitude towards the foreigners. But I do concur- the stance that the Irish had towards the Italians and the Chinese was rather outrageous. As it … Continue reading

Posted in February 22 Peopling of NY: Old and New Immigrants | Leave a comment

February 22nd Spark

After doing this week’s readings, I think of how exaggerated Emma Lazarus’ poem “The New Colossus” was for immigrants during the 1800s.  One line that we all probably heard of is the one that is engraved at the bottom of … Continue reading

Posted in February 22 Peopling of NY: Old and New Immigrants, Sparks | Leave a comment

Spark – February 22

What gives certain people the “right” to discriminate against and suppress other groups of people?  This is the question that was running through my mind the whole time I was reading these chapters.  Each ethnic group mentioned in Anbinder’s book … Continue reading

Posted in February 22 Peopling of NY: Old and New Immigrants, Sparks | Leave a comment

Websites We Like

I’ve added a new category, “Websites We Like”.  I encourage you all to post websites you find that are interesting or contain an element you think might be useful for our site on East Harlem.  Just post these to the … Continue reading

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Podcast demo

crazy noises [display_podcast]

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Response 2/15 – Greg Antonelli

It’s weird trying to think of New York in the colonial era. For our whole lives we’ve known N.Y.C. as an overcrowded metropolis with huge buildings and bustling streets. It’s hard to imagine Manhattan as a small log cabin, farming … Continue reading

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Response #2

Slavery is a sensitive part of American history that will always remain in our minds (hopefully). Similarly to everyone else, I was also pretty surprised at the impact it had made in the north over the years. Slaves were basically responsible … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment

Response #2

It was really cool to read Binders-Reimer about how New York was very similar back then as it is now-it was diverse, tolerant, and an entrepreneurial moneymaking capitalist center.  Although I vaguely remember learning at some point that New York … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment