Monthly Archives: February 2011

2/15 Response

The history of New York was quite interesting to read; its development and metamorphosis into a culturally rich and diverse city is much more complex than I had known. Although initially the only religion that was permitted to be practiced … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment

2/15- Response to Spark

Before reading the assigned articles, I always thought of slavery  as mainly popular in the South. However, as it evolved over a couple of centuries, I was in shock as to how much slavery changed when the British took over … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment

Response – February 15th

Although i agree with Marinna that slaves were crucial to the development of New York and a lot of America, I find it such a shame that this was so.  As I was reading all of the articles, I found … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment

Response (2/15/11)

Like, Ashley, I agree that there were many parallels that could be drawn between Colonial New York, and Modern New York.  Like now, New York then also had a general air of diversity and tolerance, or at least relatively.  It … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period | Leave a comment

Spark- Feb. 15

I found it interesting to see that, in some aspects, Colonial New York is not much different from the New York we know today. It was ethnically diverse starting when European explorers first came to New York Harbor. The Dutch … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period, Sparks | Leave a comment

Spark – feb 15th

It seems to me that the image of slavery has been portrayed in a few different ways throughout history. It was interesting to learn that not all Whites who owned slaves treated them brutally or completely unequal. In many cases, … Continue reading

Posted in February 15 Peopling of NY: Colonial Period, Sparks | Leave a comment


As many have stated previously, America isn’t necessarily restricted to being described solely as a salad bowl or melting pot. True, immigrants may come here in search of new opportunity, culture, and life but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment

Response #1

A lot of responsibility is laid onto the term American. There really is no clear definition on who an American is or what the culture of America encompasses. Just like the articles discuss, unless you were settled here from the … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment

Response to 1!

The two concepts that Ashley mentions- the melting pot and the salad bowl- regarding America, I believe, both hold true. There are many people who claim they are strictly “American” in terms of ideals, personality, culture etc. while others who … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment

Response #1 (for 2/8/10)

It seems that mentioning how much I agree with the tossed salad statement would be redundant at this point. Oh well. Though in response to Elizabeth; I hope this doesn’t sound unprofessional and childish, but maybe we’re a bowl of … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment