Monthly Archives: February 2011


When you’re asked, “Where are you from?” people aren’t looking for the answer “American” because it doesn’t mean much.  They want to know your roots and your background; so unless you’re a Native American, or your lineage can be traced … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment


New York is one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. Only 18% of New Yorkers are native born children of native born parents. This diversity causes ethnicities to mix in both positive and negative ways while at … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity, Sparks | Leave a comment

Response-February 8th

When I first began reading the articles, I realized that it had never occurred to me that there is technically no ethnic group called “American”.  This fact struck me as very odd, because for all of my life, I have … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment

Response- Spark#1

I agree with the concept of immigration that Ashley discussed in her spark. For example, Ashley talked about the salad bowl concept of immigration; this concept shows that even though people did immigrate to the United States, they still held … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity | Leave a comment


In high school, we learned two theories behind immigration in America – the idea of the melting pot, and the idea of the salad bowl. The melting pot implies that people change and assimilate based on the traditions of their … Continue reading

Posted in February 8 Context: Race, Assimilation, and Ethnicity, Sparks | Leave a comment