
The pull to America is greater than to any other place. Coming to America, people could find work and a way to support their families. It was an opportunity to start a new life, in a seemingly better place. To come to America meant to come to a place of freedom and acceptance. Whether people intended to stay for a month, a year, or the rest of their lives, America was their choice. In New York it was possible to find, as mentioned in previous sparks, African Americans, Italians, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans all within the same neighborhood of East Harlem.

As Shirley and William point out, the interactions between people within a single society help establish that community. Thomas’ description of the boys playing in the street, as mentioned before, depict a lively attitude and a friendly and playful air about the town. The joining together of these people created a welcoming atmosphere that many people enjoyed being a part of.

The example of Jose and Lucille serves to identify different cultures of a single community embodied within a single person. Both Jose and Lucille were the children of immigrants, making East Harlem their home without a doubt. Since they were there since birth, they are able to see the changes occuring around them, changing everything that was once familiar to them.

Maria and Mohamed however, both immigrated to East Harlem, and although neither wanted their visit to be permanent, both ended up planting their roots in the area they would now call home. Since they are both newer to the city, they aren’t as able to see the changes that are taking place. They only see what they’ve come into. As Shirley says in her blog, once they are there for a longer time, they will begin to see the changes more.

The majority of people who immigrate to New York City feel a sense of belonging even after a short time, which is what grounds them to the area. However, people come and go, and this causes the shift in demographics; the shift from Italian Harlem to Spanish Harlem. Wherever you go in New York City, you’re bound to see a huge mixture of different cultures and nationalities, because this is where everyone comes to be themselves and to start their lives anew.

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