Monthly Archives: March 2011

3/15/11 Response

It is interesting to note the various ethnic and racial groups that were present in the 19th-20th centuries. There was an intriguing emergence of cultural practices among the Italians as many have talked about. La Madonna was an important figure … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem”, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Response- 3/15

The theme threading all these readings together seems to be the concept of previous culture, immigration lifestyle, and the struggle of reconciling firm values with assimilation. Reading about the rigid system of the domus and the youth’s desire to disobey … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Greg Antonelli – 3/15/11

Italian immigration into Manhattan was very interesting to read about, especially as an Italian-American. Unlike ToniAnn, however, my family is not as tightly-knit. My immediate family gets along pretty well, but my extended family is not as close as other … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Response # 7:

While reading Orsi, I decided that his book was two things: 1) a tribute of his own to the Madonna of 115th Street, as well as 2) a reminder to later Italian generations of their earlier roots.  But while Orsi’s … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Response 3/15

I agree with Silky’s remark about how she relates to the domus centered society to her own family life.  As a child I was always surrounded by family, my cousins where my babysitters and my friends, and missing family gatherings … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Response- 3/14

The basic idea that just kept occurring throughout the readings, and as Silky and many people already mentioned and posted, is that family was important in Italian Harlem. Family was the reason Italians emigrated to the U. S. and the goal … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Response- 3/15

It was interesting to read about so much church politics, and how la Madonna represented so much of Italian Harlem’s history and life. From where the statue of la Madonna was placed, to the prayers she’s heard, la Madonna was … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Italian East Harlem 3/15/11

Aside from the fact that every minute of every day was a struggle for these immigrants, I couldn’t help but be a little jealous of them.  Of course I wasn’t jealous of the hardships they had to face, the journey … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment


I may not be Italian, but coming from a very closely linked family, I can completely understand the idea of the domus having complete control over the younger generation. As Toni-Ann mentions in her posts, it is hard for anyone … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment

Response (3/15/11)

It is interesting how universal this idea of domus is. My personal experience is very similar to Silky’s in that she could not talk back to her elders. Whenever I would go to family gatherings or occasions, my mom would … Continue reading

Posted in March 15 Neighborhood: “Italian East Harlem” | Leave a comment