Response 4/5

I agree with Aurona that this week’s general theme was racial identity in neighborhoods and as Foner titles her chapter “the Sting of Prejudice”.  We see different ethnic backgrounds coming to the United States in order to pursue the American Dream and so many are surprised to see the high levels of racism in America. I always go back to wondering how such high levels of racism came to be and why nativist were so truly xenophobic of other nations that sought opportunity. There are so many factors but one idea that I think of is the idea of nativist being prideful that they are a part of the dominant group of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in the nation. This group probably felt that since there descendants were the first to arrive in America then every opportunity should be for them and no one else at all.  As seen in Foner, even other ethnicities with fair skin were still considered an other to these natives and still were subject to their mockery.

Although Foner does say that the racism in the United States is done subtly, to me the racism was still directly seen. In what way can a sign saying “No Jews or Dogs Allowed” be seen as subtle. That is direct racism in my opinion and for different ethnic groups experiencing this treatment in a country where people are meant to be treated equally is horrible.  No matter the race, people want to have success, achievement, and opportunity, which is one reason why different ethnicities came to America in the first place. Despite having similar motives to the natives and some being highly educated, these groups still could not have the respect of those in America because they were different. By no respect I mean some Americans did not treat different ethnic groups well at all to the point where if you were somewhat dark you were black and that was it. Ethnic identities were not even recognized by Americans at all.

As seen by the readings, the races that were in between the white and black spectrum were the races who were at times better off and at times saved from that “Sting of Prejudice”. Despite most West Indians having a good education, they were still not seen as able to advance because of their dark complexion. Nevertheless, the West Indians still did their best to confront the American Dream and some even went to the suburbs. Just to read about different ethnicities still wanting to confront the American Dream no matter what obstacles come their way is amazing. Hopefully one day will come where racism will be completely behind us and immigrants can easily pursue the American Dream for themselves and their families.

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