Model history websites?

I recently found a website that has a collection of links to interactive history sites:

From what I’ve seen so far, they’re extremely interactive, colorful, and organized. I think they’d serve as great examples for our website!

Here are two of the links on the site that I liked in particular:

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Interesting websites?

I think I remember that it was an assignment to post interesting websites to this category. Sorry if I’m jumping the gun here… 😮

This is an art website, I think it’s innovative because you can handwrite and hand-draw comments:

This is a pretty cool website, it’s very pleasing to the eye and it has really good use of streaming audio and dialog boxes: they don’t annoy you but engage you.  I also like the way certain images enlarge and sometimes multiply when you click on them:

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Websites We Like

I’ve added a new category, “Websites We Like”.  I encourage you all to post websites you find that are interesting or contain an element you think might be useful for our site on East Harlem.  Just post these to the class blog and categorize them as a ‘website we like’.

Here’s one with demographic information on East Harlem that I thought might be helpful and another site with great data and maps of East Harlem.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the table of contents on this site.

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