IMPORTANT!! Website Due Dates


In order to kick-start the process of putting the website/end of year project/class wiki, or whatever we’re going to call it, together, I have posted some mandatory deadlines below. Five percent (5%) of your “neighborhood project” grade consists of what I labeled “website participation.”   Failure to meet any of the deadlines below will forfeit that 5%.  Conversely, if you meet the deadlines you will earn the 5%.

March 26th:  As an individual within the group you will post a plan, or outline, of  your research responsibilities within group.  In addition, you will post any photos, video, or audio captured during our walking tour (this should further encourage you to remember your cameras/phones/video devices for walking tour).

April 9th (updated): You must list your choices for tech tools for site.

April 9th: You must begin posting collected information; research; text; or any other materials that will go into the final project.

Remember, these are benchmarks.  I understand you will not complete your individual/group research by April 9th.  However, your group’s failure to start the process will only hurt your grade, and ultimately the final project.


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