Project updates

Hi all, thanks for your patience with me as I gather suggestions for everyone. Hopefully you have some raw material, so we can discuss how to convert that material into viewable content on your sites. I went ahead and rearranged your workspaces. Most of your materials were on the final project sites. These are for your final work. You are welcome to change these since you control them as admins. However, you should put drafts, updates, and material that is in progress on the “work sites” I have created for your groups.

All of the work you have done thus far has been moved to those sites. This has given me a deeper appreciation for the work you are all doing since it took me all day (literally) to create these spaces and move your existing work. Everything submitted until this point was posted, has the same author, and content. If you are looking to communicate with one another, i.e., status updates, I’d recommend creating a post so that people can leave comments. You also have the capability to change the themes (I’d recommend they be different from your final project theme so that you can discern between the two), and to add pages and categories. Remember, categories can be place din the menu to allow you to put up multiple posts. Pages are a single and continuous stream of content.

More updates will come up over the weekend.

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