Social Construction of Race

Even though there is no genetic basis for race, as was previously believed, the social construction of race has led to discrimination of those not considered white both in the past and in today’s society.

Foner describes how in the past, Italians and Jews were discriminated against because they weren’t considered to be white. Various other European groups were also not considered white. Their physical attributes were used to attach negative characteristics to their ethnicities and construct an identity for them. With today’s mindset it’s strange to think of, Italians for example, not being considered white. Many ethnicities today make up what is considered the white race. This exemplifies the very concept of race being a social construct because it shows how the definition changes with the ideas of people over time.

Contemporary New York is known as a pretty tolerant place that embraces diversity and advocates equality. Despite this general picture, non-whites still get discriminated against. The difference is that white has expanded to include more ethnicities than before and the non-white races are Hispanics, blacks, and Asian Americans. What I find interesting is that non-whites are not only discriminated against by whites; they also discriminate amongst themselves. For example, Hispanics consider themselves to be superior to blacks, and Asian Americans consider themselves to be superior to both Hispanics and blacks. Although both of these groups have experienced what it’s like to be looked down upon for their race, they both discriminate against blacks. 

One other important change from the past to today goes along with the increased acceptance we now have. In the past reputable sources, such as The New York Times, and public figures, like politicians, were allowed to openly make discriminatory and racist remarks. In today’s society that’s not accepted or allowed. People may still have these prejudiced beliefs but they show them in more discreet ways instead of stating them outright. Again this shows changing norms and how a society’s ideas change over time.

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