Site Essentials

When thinking about your site, there are a few essentials you’ll want to keep in mind.

Translate your research into front facing project Your first goal is to use the site to use the site to clearly convey and transform the results of your research into a public platform. This means that you will modify how much and how you present your research for the website project.

Be succinct Present your materials as concisely as possible. Avoid extremely lengthy descriptions when possible.

Utilize multiple mediums Seek out and choose the mediums that you find appropriate for your project.

Pay attention to design Each design choice you make, from placement of photos to amount of text included should be a thoughtful choice based on how you choose to convey your research.

Give credit where due All information that is not your own should be credited. This means that all research should be cited and all photos should be given proper attribution.

Individual responsibilities You will need to create your own page for your group site, choose the best mediums possible to do so, and make sure that your work fits cohesively with that of the group.

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