I Confess…

Let’s waste some more precious sleeping time! (As you might have guessed, I tend to post things late at night, early in the morning because I REALLY want to kill my health.)

Today’s topic: Guilty Pleasures!

As I wrote on the About Me page, I post things carefully, reflecting on how I want others perceive me. How do I want others to perceive me? I’ll tell you! As a cultured, intellectual being with good taste in…well, just about everything. But we all know that that perception of me simply isn’t true. What is “good taste” anyways?

Anyways, this time, I just felt like sharing some random tidbits about me, things I usually leave out when I want to come off as a high-class citizen with refined tastes.

Guilty Pleasure #1:

Gossip Girl. Yup, I like scandalous shows about Upper-East teenagers, not quite 20 years old, played by actors already hitting their mid-20s, getting wasted and doing “bad” things. I’m all about the class.

Guilty Pleasure #2:

Korean boybands. Poor taste in music, you say? Whatever floats your boat. Shallow? Superficial? Absolutely.

Just look at how they’re all so synchronized, how their hair never gets messy despite all of their movement. <3 *sigh*

[Disclaimer: I am not a crazy fangirl.]

Guilty Pleasure #3:

Glee songs. Does that count? I know the saying, the original is always better. Yeah…

Guilty Pleasure #4:

Now these aren’t things that I don’t want to own up to. I could tell the whole world if I wanted to, metaphorically speaking. They’re simply bad for me.

Dumplings, onion rings, Thai/Malaysian noodles, ice cream, these weird canned meat spreads my dad buys for me, Le petit ecolier ! , Taiwanese pineapple shortcakes, $1 box of thick noodles from vendor carts in Chinatown & Flushing, Spam (the food), scallion pancakes…I think I’ll stop here before my list gets out of hand. Clearly, it’s not ending any time soon.

Guilty Pleasure #5:

Shopping for books, nail polish, souvenirs at museum shops, and fake jewelry.

Bad habits that I have now fixed!

Guilty Pleasure #6:

Asian dramas. As unrealistic, melodramatic, sometimes utterly ridiculous as they might be, I still love them. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t spend so much of my life reading subtitles on a computer screen. They enable me to create a parallel universe where my life isn’t so lackluster and dry.


So that’s all the confessing I will do for today. Must sleep and prepare myself for a French quiz tomorrow! So, à bientôt!

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