The Fourth Annual Macaulay Arts Night!

The last week in April was absolutely hectic! Papers, projects, EVERYTHING TUMBLING DOWN. I pushed that aside, temporarily of course, to plan the fourth annual Macaulay Arts Night, which took place on Saturday, April 28th from 6 to 10:30 PM. (I wanted to post this post haha right after the event because I was so pumped! But, being only human, I needed to sleep to rejuvenate my body. And then, I had to finish my school work… I was ready to post the week after, but I was lazy to upload the photos, so I pushed it back. Then, work started piling up and finals came. So I’m finally posting it now – after I finished my finals.)

First off – actually, I guess this is technically second off – yes, I am the obnoxious person who submitted 24 artworks and therefore, dominated the building. I won’t make excuses for it. I am presumptuous. I apologize. But on another note, I will be posting some (or all) of the photos I submitted to Arts Night in future posts. So, you can look forward to that! (I won’t point them out in this post because I want to focus on the amazing works of my fellow talented peers.)

There were lots of fantastic pieces, ranging from videos to music to paintings to websites. Websites? Yes! Websites! Well, one: Craigslist Poetry by the one and only, multi-talented, Michael Squitieri. The website takes 10 random lines from Craigslist’s Missed Connections section and turns the lines into a poem! It is absolutely brilliant so you should check it out.

The theme was Dadaism, with a focus on mustaches. Mustache cupcakes, mustache sticks, mustache walls, etc. Very funky. So, I’m at a lost for words right now. I’ll just post up the many pictures I took:


Some of my favorites:

And here are some of the workshops/interactive art pieces (origami workshop, tango workshop, blackout poetry, post secrets, and vestibule drawings, respectively):

Arts Night was an amazing event and I hope to join the team again next year. One last note, literally:

This secret that someone posted up pretty much sums up my whole life. I do pretend that I am an actress in the shower. Every. Day. Hehe… (:


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