Sudden Inspiration

I lied. This is officially the last post of the year. With less than an hour to spare! However, it is big news. Well, for this eportfolio that is.

I have finally realized the future for this site! The idea seized me while I was in the shower like an epiphany. Very reminiscent of how I figured out the topic of college app essay. (But that’s a story for another time, another day.) Great things come when you least expect them. I embrace this notion, so long as the things actually do eventually come. I’m totally okay with it not being planned.

Anyways, trying to beat the clock here before it hits midnight…

I have been in the process of giving my eportfolio a makeover for maybe a year…less? I don’t know, but it feels like a long time. However, I left that on the back burner for the past months to focus on school. But the real truth is, I’ve been in a rut. The makeover is always in the back of my mind, but I had not been making any progress. Like writer’s block…Designer’s block? That is, until now! And I am so excited!!

I know, I have been beating around the bush for quite a while now. It’s not to build up anticipation though. I just naturally talk a lot and go off on tangents. But wait! I’m not finished yet! This idea that I just came up with was actually an idea several months ago, however, the only reason why it will be successful now, at this very point in my online presence is due to the creation of my new Journaling Victoria blog. So, now, for this statement to make any sense and so that I stop rambling on in incoherent phrases, without further ado, the unveiling of my new eportfolio idea!

Adventures with Victoria – my explorations through NYC, my journeys to other cities and states (but not including my study abroad travels), and my figurative journey through life. (With this title, my name has become a little business of some sort, with each of my blogs using my name. Maybe I’ll become blog-noteworthy!)

I’m sorry if I hyped up the theme and failed to deliver, but I think it’s pretty awesome. Well, in my head, the vision I have is quite spectacular. Even if not in words. It’s not very original, but for the longest time, I’ve been searching for a focus for my eportfolio. But I just wanted to include EVERYTHING. And that has been the source of my problem. A wide range in content can make for a very compelling site, but more often, a focus makes for a stronger site. And there can be tons of variation within a focus. So, in terms of my new focus, I noticed that most of my posts (and pending posts) are about my trips to museums, stores, outings, etc. in the city and outside of the city. And with the exception of some posts here and there, the rest focus on my inner mediations, reflections, and updates on my life. But my beloved posts about the little things I like or my opinions are also very important to me. But fear no more! With Journaling Victoria, I can put that hot mess of topics under that blog. After all, that blog is basically dedicated to the little things I like and my opinions. So I’m really happy this all worked out. If you’re interested in both my journeys and my personal musings, you’ll just have to visit both sites. Haha. I do think that the distinction between the two blogs will be blurry at times, but that is something I do not mind.

So, to finish things off, in the upcoming weeks, this site will go through a drastic change. Possibly including the layout. I really like the sliding featured image feature of this format, but that’s about it. So, I’ll have to do some serious thinking and revising.  And I know I say I’m going to do this and that very often on this site, but rarely ever carry out those ideas…well, that’s going to change. I am DEFINITELY going to fulfill my promises. A new me for the new year.

I’m so excited.

One thing I don’t like about the featured image feature: sometimes, I don’t think a blog merits a photo (such as this one). But without one, the site looks very odd and not attractive. So, here’s a random photo for you of the moon looking very cool.

Wow, finished this post with 6 minutes to spare! BAM!

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