First Week, Epiphanies, and Much Much More

Yesterday concluded my first week of the Fall 2012. But before I get into that, I want to recap my summer. Remember that list of all the things I planned to do during the summer? No? Click here then and see my failure. Let’s go one by one. Finish half of my books. Haha. A complete …

In Addition to Studying…

I did tons of other random things. Well, not so random, I suppose. The beginning of the semester started slow for me. I barely had any schoolwork and, therefore, I did not know what do to with my newly-found free time. (Free time?! What is that?) And so, crazy ol’ me signed up for 10,000 …

It’s Been A While

The last time I posted was on October 29, 2011. That was almost three months ago! I apologize for my lack of activity. I took part in a lot of school events in November. And December was my most hectic month of 2011 because of finals~ (and Christmas shopping). In fact, December was also my …