The Alamo

No, “The Alamo” does not refer to the fort that a ragtag group of Texans made their last stand in. It’s actually a sculpture shaped like a cube that has its axis of rotation on a single corner, made by Bernard Rosenthal. The work of art was placed in the heart of Astor Place in 1968, and can actually be rotated (with great difficulty). It is a big attraction for tourists. Nick Burney and I traveled to Astor Place to see “The Alamo” firsthand. The video starts off with Nick giving a bit of history about the sculpture. Then I try to move it, with limited success. We then asked a German couple visiting the city about their thoughts on “The Alamo”

**Because we used my phone to videotape, we had to use software to convert the files. That explains why the “Wondershare” logo appears constantly throughout the video.

Here is the link in case the embedding doesn’t work:

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One Response to The Alamo

  1. oweinroth says:

    I have linked your video. In future, you can e-mail Mike Porter and ask for help with the technical details.

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