Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
The high line

As I walked up the High line the icy cold wind passed through my body piercing every inch of my insides. Despite the fact that it was 2:13 pm near the Hudson river it was relatively gray because the sky had hints of clouds. The High line is located in an area of the city that is very open and fresh with a lack of skyscrapers as opposed to the crowded city blocks in central Manhattan. The High line was surrounded by many construction sites which reeked of tar, exhaust fumes and dirt. The location also had ear-shattering tedious sounds of giant machines operating at these sites.
The high line itself contains numerous artistic touches such as wall paintings, graffiti made out of thin steel bars, a beautiful seating area with huge window-panes to look at the road underneath, seats made out of planks that could roll on the train tracks, an area where one can actually paint one’s own peace, and many more.The art was not limited to the highland itself but stretched out towards the buildings surrounding the high line which incorporated a lot of art work either displayed on the sides or reflected in the structure itself.

Both sides of the high line had numerous plants and shrubs that were fenced in for safety. There were also signs posted all along these fences talking about the different species planted there along with caution signs and conversational techniques. The field was an easy location to work on but the weather was brutal which made many of the plants wilt and most of them looked wilted.

The air was full of many different sounds such as: trucks moving in and out of the construction zones with their engines roaring, a police vehicle with its siren turned on rushing past us, a helicopter cutting through the air above us with its huge rotors, the vents of the buildings around us gushing for fresh air and so on.

There were also many unexpected smells in the environment which require some detective work. These smells include hotdogs, bread, fish, popcorn, and many other indistinguishable smells of food. Upon investigation I found out that these smells were emitted by many sources such as food stands, restaurants, bakery and even from some people passing by us. Some of these smells were so strong that i could actually taste them. This invoked some cravings so on my way back I had to buy some pizza.

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