Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
The Premises of Racism

Racism began since the mass movement of Europeans to the Americas in the 17th century. When the Europeans came to the Americas, various groups of people and sects separated and became distinct with their own set of laws and religions. As time passed, these sects were distinguishable and unique, each with its own importance. Many different people from various nationalities and ethnicities immigrated and traveled together. These people join miscellaneous groups and sects and that’s when race begins. Race happens when there’s a difference in a number of things in a specific place: a difference in thoughts, beliefs, color, religion, tradition, and even a difference in physical features. These differences cause social and physical barriers between people, which leads to race becoming a critical issue. Racism is judged on the premises of social classes and differences in specific features. One thing people fail to understand is that racism is not a biological problem. Racism is not based on the biological heredity of a certain sect, nation, or people. Rather, racism is triggered by the different mindsets of these people whom are tainted by the strong beliefs that social isolation will lead to a promising future of private success and traditional and cultural advancement. We are all human beings, and we all have identical scientific compositions; we all have eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, hands, torso, and legs. Some of us might not have been blessed to have functional physical features as others, but we are all scientifically composed identically. There is a video online that shows the strength of love. Two people get behind an x-ray screen and hug. All you can see is two skeletons hugging each other. After that, the two people reveal themselves and it’s mind blowing who they are. One couple was gay, one couple consisted of two different races, one couple was transgender, one couple consisted of young teens, and one couple consisted of disabled adults. The purpose of the video is to emphasize the fact that love has no age, race, religion, color, sex, or disability. This video can also serve to prove a point in racism that we are all human beings and of the same family and genus. Our differences in age, ethnicity, religion, color, tradition, and social status does not make us ‘different’ human beings; maybe these differences make us unique, but not different. There is no excuse for racism and it is absurd to be racist towards immigrants and people who are different because you are different to others and if you would move to another state or country, you would be an immigrant. If we all work on ourselves and try to eradicate racism within our circles, we can hopefully reach a point where racism becomes extinct.

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