© 2012 Zara Ellexi Hoffman

“No Matter How Dark the Moment, Love and Hope are Always Possible.”-Chakiris

Sand. How can something so delicate and light turn so disastrous and deathly? Water. This too, how can it be life sustaining yet life threatening as well? Hurricane Sandy came and went but it came and went with a BOOM. The boom of cries and shrieks, the boom of power outages and car explosions, but also the boom of epiphanies and new realizations. Sandy gave us a time to reassess out lives. She gave us an opportunity to pull up a chair and sit closer to our loved ones. She granted us the chance to prioritize our prized possessions. She gave us a renewed strength to move forward in an optimistic way. After sitting around for a week with no power and heat, no Internet and no communication to the outside world, but sitting with the warmth of my familia , I thought of the Jar of Life-how rapidly our lives change (hopefully for the better) and although we are not in control of the fate of them, we still steer them in any direction we choose.

Courtesy of Aish.com

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