© 2012 Zara Ellexi Hoffman

Up, Up and Away!

Airy. Light. Fluffy. At first glance, one would assume that Tomas Saraceno’s Cloud City installation atop the Met roof would be filled with delicate figurines. But upon arriving at Cloud City with fashionista sister in tow, wow I was in for a treat.  Instead of feeling like an eagle soaring through the crowd, I felt like a robot in a high tech, 22nd century world. Cloud City is constructed of 16 steel and Plexiglas  obscure geometric shapes (the ones you find in your math textbook asking to find the surface area of) intertwined to produce a “jungle gym for adults”. What makes the city so mesmerizing and worth the climb of stairs to the roof is the mirrored effect the cubes have. What better for a woman than to be surrounded by over 50 mirrors? Not only can you check yourself out from every angle possible, New York City’s skyline is your background! Whoever dreamt of being in a Central Park editorial can now climb atop Saraceno’s installation and relax amongst the world’s up and coming clouds.

Be sure to check out this interactive exhibition soon before it ends Nov. 4.


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