Setting up this site: some hints

Hello class,

If you remember back to our in-class workshop on the final project, I repeated one phrase: divide and conquer. Your goal is to make a cohesive website that showcases the group work you have done in this course. In order to achieve that goal, you all must take responsibility for contributing to the collective project. I suggest assigning roles and tasks to every person in the class. Many of these roles can and should be held by 2 (or 3) people working together to enact the larger vision of the group. Here are some possibilities:

  • Manager (Nicole maybe?) – makes executive decisions to help streamline tasks, and plans deadlines for each task Front
  • Page Designers  – creates a blue print, tests the themes, collects the images and text for the front page from the groups
  • Menu Designers – decides what menu items (and sub-items) are best for the overall user experience of this site and helps each group implement them for their section of the blog (your ITF can help)
  • Group Page Designer – each group should put someone in charge of designing their section(s) of the site – also, consider coordinating with other group page designers to create cohesion
  • Group Page Tech Developers – for every digital element of your group page (video, audio, timeline, map) there should be someone in charge of testing, developing, and implementing that tool (however every group member should contribute to each element)
  • Editors – there should be more than one editor to revise the content of the entire site, as well as editors within each group to edit all of the text present on your group page (this includes titles, captions, citations, and research)
  • Feel free to add roles you feel are necessary.

Please volunteer (via the comments section below) for at least two of these roles, and then in class before break you will collectively negotiate roles and deadlines to complete this site.

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