What subjects and lessons are being taught?

The lessons taught in Telesecundaria schools follow the same curriculum as conventional schools. There are eight major subjects taught in secondary schools and they are Spanish, math, science, geography and history, foreign language (usually English), physical education, technology, and arts.

Tenth grade science is focused on biology. They do not have history classes yet, but they study the geography of Mexico and the rest of the world. Eleventh graders study physics and Mexican history. In addition to the eight core subjects, a new subject is introduced in 11th grade: civics and ethics. Twelfth graders study chemistry as their science course, world history, and a higher level of civics and ethics.

Photo is a still shot capture from the video " Una clase en Telesecundaria"

Some of the 15-minute lessons are introduced by a focus question that leads to the lesson for that day. For instance, one biology class may start with the question “How are genes inherited?” or a chemistry class could start with “What is the opposite reaction of oxidation?” The televised lesson then proceeds to answer the question by introducing the new topic.

Each lesson builds on the previous lesson in the same manner as in conventional schools. A complete list of lessons and when they air can be found at the Telesecundaria website. Click on the picture above to see the video “Una clase en Telesecundaria”, which shows a typical math class.

The last three sessions are usually devoted to creating projects and other culminating activities to evaluate what was learned during the school year. Click the picture below to view a series of videos showing graduation from Telesecundaria.

Still shot from video entitled "Huitzuco, Clausura Telesecundaria Paso Morelos"

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