Mexican Immigration Policy and Treatment of Illegal Immigrants


Until 2008 illegal immigration in Mexico was a felony and could incur fines, up to two years in prison and deportation. Mexico annually deports more illegal immigrants than the US. Mexican law calls for six to 12 years of prison and up to $46,000 in fines for anyone who shelters or transports illegal immigrants. The Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the law applies only to people who do it for money.



“There (in the U.S.), they’ll deport you,” says Hector Vazquez, an illegal immigrant from Honduras… “In Mexico they’ll probably let you go, but they’ll beat you up and steal everything you’ve got first”

In one six-month period from September 2008 through February 2009, at least 9,758 migrants were kidnapped and held for ransom in Mexico — 91 of them with the direct participation of Mexican police, a report by the National Human Rights Commission said.


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