SBS Chapter 4 Reflection

Mohamed Adnan


Professor Adams

Seminar 3

Reflection on Chapter 4

The chapter focuses on the importance of communication in learning and informal science. Children learn best when they have others around them to exchange ideas and tackle problems with. Communicating with others is interaction in itself and Chapter 3 explained the importance of interaction because it promotes extensive learning. This was shown in the frog exhibit, where the children would use prior and current knowledge to exchange ideas and learn even more about the topic. Moreover, it is important for an adult to provide the right knowledge to the children so that they are able to learn the right information correctly. The adults may also have to lay a pathway of questions and information so that the children can actually think and use their metacognition. Supported learning is also important as children may feel more comfortable learning from their peers rather than adults. I have noticed this effect while going to exhibits with my younger siblings. They tend to ask each other more questions. Growing up, many of us learned from what was around us, which is why it is important to have a mentor to guide us and to offer us an explanation for whatever questions we have.

Communication is also key among adults and those in science. Research will often talk to others in their fields or foreign fields in order to verify their findings or ask questions about it. I think that true learning comes from the exchanging of ideas from a question and answer type of method. A type of learning that I believe is an effective method that adults should use is called the socratic method. The method is essentially asking questions without providing a direct or immediate answer in order to promote critical thinking. In my experience in working in  lab, my mentor would use this method. At first the method was annoying as I just wanted to know the answer, but after a while I became familiar with the method. Through the process I started to learn more and ingrained more knowledge. I was able to figure out information quickly. My mind was sharper and I essentially became well equipped to engage in experimentation. Without communication, there is always the notion that we would be learning the wrong information. Learning incorrect information leads to incorrect decisions. Thus, the communication and exchanging of information is not an option, but is essential to learn effectively.

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