Chapter 7 SBS

Equal education and opportunities was the main focus on this chapter. I come from a highly underprivileged background, with both of my parents not going to college or having enough money to support my academic needs. I completely understand the point that those with money have the opportunities to advance further. However, there is also the argument that you can only go as far as your mind lets you. If you are smart enough and have the motivation you can still get far. You will not have as many doors open, but you still have the chance to go far in life. Education and learning experiences should not be taken away from those of a certain race, class, or disability.

The chapter was also about catering towards the needs of these non-dominating groups. Since there is a gap between education and these groups, it is important to bridge these gaps by finding these needs. Some example are making making special ethnic programs,  free events, disability accessible locations. I believe that these programs not only bring the underreppresented community closer, but also allows for progress in the community as a whole as it encourages a greater congregation of ideas and learning.

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