Three (Team Boomeraang)

For this week, we had numerous problems over where to hold the cafe. After contacting to hold a spot in the MCH building, we stumbled accross the problem that our cafe could not be on the same day as the seminar 3 presentations. We decided to hold the cafe on a different day. We will hold it on a friday because many of the MCH students are already in the building and there is space available to hold the cafe.

Another problem is that we have yet to receive word from professionals who would want to speak in the cafe. We decided that if no one would want to participate, that we would just host the cafe ourselves. There will be food to provide the cafe feeling. Also, we would provide pamphlets for some background information on the topic. There is a possibility that the cafe will be structured as a walk-in, but we are probably going to let people sit and discuss.

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