Chapter 9 discusses how the informal learning setting can grow past beyond just the environment itself. Some of the ways for this include using media or the internet. This is a great idea such that the mobile industry is growing exponentially and carrying an extension of the informal setting allows for an extended learning experience. Although, I believe that the informal setting can be considered any setting that does not involve sitting down and hearing a lecture or reading text. In essence, the informal setting can be as simple as a park, where a person can observe the interactions between animals or plants.
Some people are against the idea that people learn effectively through the internet. Although information may be readily available to us, it does not mean that we are not learning. In fact, we may be exposed to more topics of interest than if we did not have the internet. In my experience, I have looked up numerous topics just out of curiosity and a need to learn more. Extending the informal setting to more than just exhibits is beneficial for the future of learning.