Reflection on Surrounded by Science: Chapter 2

Mohamed Adnan

Professor Adams

Science and Technology in NYC Seminar 3


Reflection on Surrounded by Science Chapter 2

            Surrounded by Science: Learning Science in Informal Environments by Marilyn Fenichel and Heidi A. Schweingruber explores informal science learning amongst adults and children. The authors placed emphasis on the process of learning. How we approach an informal science setting is essential for learning and grasping scientific topics. The authors wrote about the logistics behind various informal studies, including community based studies.

One aspect of the reading that struck my interest was the classification of a generic scientist. They were alone in a lab and kept to themselves and their thoughts. At a younger age, I believed this to be true. As I became more involved in science, I began to understand the complexity behind the scientific method. Science became more about mystery, chasing, and discovery. Science may be fun, but it is not always conducted within our minds alone. The authors emphasized the role of community and peer based science learning. Individual learning can sometimes be very difficult, but with the help of a group, one can come to conclusions that you would have not have otherwise. Through this, a group is able to attack a problem from all possible sides. Moreover, I have worked in laboratories where some experiments would require several staff members from different fields.

Another point the authors made was that those that were interested learned more and dwelled even deeper when given the right tools and placed in the right environment. In project feederwatch, the participants learned more than they ever had. This leads to the point that limitations prevent learning and giving freedom to those that are motivated can produce extraordinary results.

The overall purpose of informal science should be to expand on and spark the interest of any individual and allow for the enhanced learning and understanding of science. This special environment can create memorable experiences that lay the foundation of a strong science background.

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