SBS Chapter 3 Reflection

Mohamed Adnan


Professor Adams

Seminar 3

Reflection on Chapter 3

Chapter three puts into focus the aspect of interactive learning. In order to implement the interactive aspect of learning in a informal science environment, some creators enforce juxtaposition, multiples modes, and interactivity. These three aspects can enhance how one can learn in an informal science environment.

I am a strong supporter of learning through experiencing and interacting. The Cell Lab is an excellent environment in which people can learn through interaction. I believe that in order to learn, someone should be able to break out of their comfort zone. When we are given answers readily and not offered a real challenge, we feel comfortable. If we are spoon fed all the answers to our questions, we would not be learning. Learning is about pushing past mental barriers and figuring things out yourself. For example, the  moment in which you spend hours trying to figure something out and you finally figure it out. The information you just figured out will probably be unforgettable. This is what informal science should be about. Being placed in an environment in which we are challenged to think for ourselves and learn through interactions. Trial and error is enhanced through interactive learning as we will go the extra mile just to figure something out even if we keep getting the wrong results.

Another interesting topic I found in the reading was the aspect of learning through media. As a child, I was not privileged enough to attend museums or science workshops. Instead I relied on the television and books for my scientific curiosity. The main television network that informed me about numerous scientific topics was the channel 13. There were two documentary shows that always captured my attention: Nature and Nova. Nature was about the different types of animals found in nature and Nova was about pace science. I did not understand every aspect of the shows, but all the information that I did learn did make me want to learn even more. I believe that the exposure from these shows sparked my interest in science and I hope that my younger siblings will also develop a similar interest.

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