Week 4 Reflection Team Boomer-aang

This week I did some more research on nuclear power. I might work on a pamphlet on some topics we could discuss and some information we could use. However, I might not use the pamphlet as that might create a bias in the discussion/debate. Regardless, it is good to have the information organized.

Some of the information that I learned are:

In a debate concerning NP hosted by The Economist Magazine , almost 2/3 of the people said no to expanding on NP.

Apparently the technology is read for the market. However, I believe that NP needs more research on waste disposal. If we can figure out how to eradicate the waste efficiently, then it may bring NP to the forefront of the energy production industry.

It poses a huge target for terrorism. I found this very frightening as another three mile island incident can scar the image of NP in the U.S.

Uranium is also limited in supply. In addition, majority of known uranium around the world lies under land controlled by tribes or indigenous peoples who don’t support it being mined from the earth.


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