The Connection Between Nature and Art

The theme of our cabinet is the connection between the nature around Brooklyn College and art. We admired the nature on campus and found art that is reminiscent of these curiosities. What emerged was a duality between nature and art, and so we decided to format our post by creating a web. Our cabinet begins with a broad view of Brooklyn College and ends with snapshots of smaller natural elements on the East Quad. In our web, each natural element is tied to a corresponding artwork.

The photograph from the top of Boylan Hall is mirrored with a painting that shows a girl looking over a cliff. Since our cabinet has a significant focus on nature, we decided to then include the area of the campus with the most natural diversity: the lily pond. The lily pond is then compared to two different works of art. The first is a sculpture that contains tree branches, and the second is a painting of a frog-like man in a lily pond, which reminded us of our own pond. Additionally, the flowers near the pond are paralleled by a black and white painting of flowers found in the library. We were able to find curiosities in both the subtle details of campus and the macroscopic image from which we began.

-Lauryn Andrews, Carina D’Urso, Asma Sadia, Jessica Betancourt

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