The Conscious Eye

As humans, we have a tendency to focus on the finer details of conventional artwork found in museums. Yet, we usually tend to neglect the more intricate details of the beauties found in nature. As a group, we decided to pay close attention to the details in things that are naturally accustomed to the eye. Our pieces transition from accepted aspects of artwork to more overlooked ideas that are concealed by our subconscious.

The textures vary in each piece of art— starting from a marble sculpture to an oil painting, both found indoors. Our artwork transitions outdoors to show that beauty can be found in the simplicity of nature and not only in the traditional art setting. Textures and colors both enhance the world around us, and our cabinet depicts this exact notion, especially around our everyday lives at Brooklyn College.

Daliah Ben-Ari, Aviva Gonter, Morielle Tolchin, and Jenny Yedid

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