Art to Fresh Eyes

By: Amber Khemlani, Anastasiya Chabotsk, Nicolas Florimonte, and Evelyn Perez-Ortiz

             Our cabinet focuses on the objects that are prevalent in all of the students’ lives at Brooklyn College, especially for freshmen, who have just embarked on their new journey as curious college students trying to survive their first year in this new environment. After being accustomed to their cozy high school buildings, considered all-knowing after four years of seeing the same walls and doors, it may seem terrifying to enter a land of unknown. This cabinet familiarizes students with the day to day life at Brooklyn College with things that are necessary for making it out alive; even with the academic pressures and rigors.

             These photos exhibit the parts of Brooklyn College that students need to energize themselves such as the water fountains, vending machines, the microwave, and the ATM when money is short, studying is long, and the stomach is craving bubble tea. There are also photos of items that help students get through their day and make their lives at college easier such as the printer and the bulletin board that has all of the events posted on it. And, where would we be without our id’s, cards that freshmen keep in a clean and safe spot while older students tend to lose, damage, smudge, or fail to renew. These facilities ease students into their new lives of being adults on their own to face the world.

This is the bulletin board located in the basement of Boylan Hall.
These are the ID’s that students carry around to gain access to campus and other places around campus.
These are computers and printers found in the library on the first floor.
This is an ATM located in the basement of Boylan Hall.
These are vending machines located on the first floor of Whitehead Hall.
This is a water fountain located on the first floor of the library.
This is a microwave located in the cafeteria in the basement of Boylan Hall.

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